Downtown Festoon Lighting
Another of our earliest project ideas was to brighten up downtown Holdrege with the installation of Festoon lighting. This will create a more welcoming atmosphere for residents, visitors, and businesses!
The lighting will be installed on West and East Avenues from 5th to 3rd Streets. The Holdrege City Council recently approved our plan, and we have ordered the lighting. If you’d like to support this project, please email our Executive Director to learn more.
give2GROW 2024
Thanks to the Holdrege Rotary Club for partnering with the Iron Horse Arts District during give2GROW 2024! With everyone’s help and support, we raised $18,881 for this project!
The Phelps County Development Corporation provided significant contributions of $15,000 ($10,000 of which was donated as part of the give2GROW campaign) for this project. If you’d like to get involved, please email our Executive Director to learn more.
Festoon Lighting Sponsors
Thank you for individual support from:
Jared & McKenzie Engelbert
Ted & Afton Titus
And thanks to our 2024 give2GROW donors (through the Holdrege Rotary):
Shannon Adam
Roger & Marliss Allmand
Jaimee Anderson
Kyle & Christi Anderson
Mary Anna Anderson
Ryan & Jody Bauer
Michelle Boulware
Shirley & Bob Butz
Lisa Catherman
Luke & Becky Deaver
Nate & Sarah DeWald
Steve & Brandy Edgren
Monica Ehlers
Ryan & Cassie Ehrenberg
Stuart & Lynn Embury
Jim & Lori Engler
Grant & Melissa Ericksen
Gloria Erickson
Janice & Ed Erickson
Kyle & Sheila Fecht
Feusner Land Surveying LLC
Todd & Brandi Hillyard
Phil & Kim Hinrichs
Grant & Kay Hinze
Chadd & Kristine Jacobson
Connie Jacobson
Janssen Auto Group
Calla Job
Ruth Johnson
Brad & Brenda Johnson
Carol Kayton
Ted & Lenore Kayton
Vickie Klein
Kim & Jeremy Klein
James Liffrig
Duane & Kathy Long
Tim & Barb Malm
Sherry McClymont
Alex McClymont
Roger & Michelle McCormick
Chris & Heather McQuillan
Allisha Melroy
Marge Melroy
Tim Moomey
Keith & Glenda Nelson
Roxine Nelson'
Thomas Nutt
Kent & Sylvia Person
Carole Peterson
Theresa Puls
Jerrie & Wayne Quincy
Ryan Quincy
Johnathan & Kayla Rehnberg
Brock & Erin Sandy
Betty Sayers
Ed & Judy Shrock
Kelli & Jason Sidel
Norman & Corliss Stewart
Ken & Karen Stute
Eric & Beth Sweeney
Katie Thelen & Zac Egger
Lola Tiller
Ron Tillery
Bill & Sheila Tringe
Jim Wagner
Diana Watson
Nick & Toni Wells
Vicki Westcott
Shane & Lacie Westcott
Nancy & Dan Wiese
Mike & Becky Williams
John & Michelle Williams
Mike & Tiffany Wiser